Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pure Insight

What does it mean to have Pure Insight? Insight is the ability to see the obstacles in yourself and around you. Pure Insight sees the obstacles but also sees the solution. Pure Insight is being able to tell right from wrong, good from bad, adequate from best. Pure Insight is not living the life of a fool but rather living a life of wisdom.

We can be flooded with the challenges and problems of life and that can keep us from seeing things are they really are.

Look what the wise guy Solomon had to say about insight:

"The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."
"A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom."

To be a person of Pure Insight is to be a person of HOPE.

H eart - Are you willing to learn? Is your heart in your dreams?
O ptions - Are you willing to see a different way? Everybody faces obstacles but we all have choices in how we are going to react. Do you have tunnel vision or do you have INSIGHT?
P ersevere - Are you willing to not give up? Perseverance sees things through to the end, even when it is tough. Lots of people never reach their potential because they give up.
E ncourage - Pure Insight isn't just about us, it is about making everyone around us better. Take someone with you. It will change your life and theirs.

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